Quick Update 9.1.10

Well, I am not quite sure what the problem is, but I can not get blogger to upload any of my pictures.  I have been trying for 3 days now, and it still doesn't work.

Our little Lydia is already changing and growing.  She is so sweet and such a good baby.  She is always getting a kiss from someone and doesn't seem to mind.  I wish I could show you some pictures.  We have already been so many places: down to the Herzog's for a birthday party for her, and over to the farm for a family get together, moving and checking cows, working in the garden, and to Church last Sunday.  She has done a great job of fitting right into this busy family.  She has such a soft peaceful spirit about her and she makes everyone smile at her innocence.

I will continue and try to figure out how to post some new pictures (because there are many).  Thanks to everyone for their comments here on the blog, prayers, calls, cards, flowers, meals and fellowship.  We are so blessed and grateful to the Lord!  Blessings to you all, Christina

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