Ein Wayne Masters 1st Birthday 10.13.10

Our little nephew, Ein Wayne Masters recently had his first birthday.  It was actually on the 13th but we celebrated it on the 17th instead.  We all went over to Sarah and Josh's for his party.  It was everything you would think of for someones 1st birthday...
3 legged race (Bella and I were partners and tied in 1st place with another pair of girls).....
party hats (Martin sporting his on top of his cowboy hat)....

yummy food (Millie enjoying a snack while lounging in a chair in her fun party attire)....
a sand area for little ones to dig around in (James and Ein doing just that after they changed-getting dirty and loving it!)......
(Sarah and Josh in their new home they are finishing out which looks absolutely beautiful!)....
 fun desserts and adorable birthday cake...
tootsie pops (Bella on the move with her 2nd one)...
 and this may not be on the "one year olds birthday party list", but the older ones enjoyed shooting the balloons with the bee-bee gun....
playing with your mama and papa...
and more suckers (Elaina enjoying another one as well)....
and family :)

1 comment:

mamageese said...

Happy Birthday to Ein! Great Family Fun once again....going from one event to the next right Christina????? What a great waay to look at life:)