Keith and Karen's Wedding 1.8.11

Stephen, Martin, Millie, and Bella all got to be in the wedding.  What an honor!  I was able to sit and watch quite comfortably with Elaina, James and Lydia.  We sat next to Aunt Margaret which was a huge plus and she helped with Elaina.  Lydia, bless her heart, sat quietly the whole time in her car seat at my feet.  I had the hambone to keep occupied.  He didn't do bad at all.  I was so grateful for how everything worked out.
If you can find Martin in this picture, you will notice that he is winking.  Unbeknownst to Stephen and I, he winked the whole way down the isle.  You will see from the faces on the guests that it was quite humorous.
 There are the girls with the bridesmaids.
There is Stephen and Martin with the rest of the guys.

Here are some after the wedding photo's.  
 Mr. Herzog's entire side of the family.
 Mrs. Herzog's entire side of the family.

The Herzog immediate family.
Our little family.
 3 generations
 Keith and Karen with their flower girls and ring bearers.  I was so excited, because I was able to re-hem the girls dresses that they wore 2 years ago to 2 different weddings (when we bought them they were about 6 inches long and I hemmed them accordingly) and they still fit!  Yea- talk about saving money.  Oh, and Martin's suit unfortunately didn't fit him from 2 years ago. I prayed that the Lord would help me find one that would fit him for under $20.00.  I was so grateful to the Lord for answering my prayers, because He led me to this one at a resale shop for a total of $19.96.  Also, the black and white we wore the night before at the rehearsal dinner, what we didn't have, I was able to find at goodwill and resale shops.  I get so excited when I find great deals!
My sweetheart and me.

1 comment:

mamageese said...

Oh, girl, never belittle the great deals at a resale shoppe. Didn't we do most of our shopping at Jo Ann's and at Consignors Club? Just takes time, and sometimes that doesn't come very often, then you have to resort to Target:)
Love you bunches, and love all the pix!