On The 3rd Day Of Christmas...

I have been inspired to take on the challenge of doing something special for my husband on each of the 12 days before Christmas.  The fun and challenging part is doing something that correlates with, or is significant of the number of each of the 12 days of Christmas.  I have had such a great time planning and surprising him so far.  I cant wait for the rest to come.  Today, December 15, 2011, is day 3 of the 12.  So today I have decided to praise him and thank him for 3 attributes I have seen in his life.  The hard part for today is to keep it limited to 3 as the list is quite extensive.  Here goes...

1. Adventure!
Being the wife of Stephen Wayne Herzog is quite an adventure!  No day is ever the same.  We wake up in the morning as a family and cant wait to see what Stephen/Papa is doing for the day.  Life is full of surprises and the way Stephen handles those surprises is in such a stress free and fun way, it makes every day a blessedly delightful day!  Sometimes Stephen is the one that has those surprises for us.  For example, a sudden change of plans...and then change of plans again...pulling into a restaurant at the last minute while in town to take us on a family date...hiding behind something, and then scaring either one or all of us and anxiously awaiting us to get him back with a surprise of our own (which are never as impacting as his surprises are to us, but we try :) and the list goes on and on.  Needless to say, we love our life and the adventure and excitement Stephen brings to us every day!

2. Love
Stephen has such a real way of showing love to so many.  He has so many to love here in our family, and he does so to each person according to the way they love to be loved the best.  With some it may be tickling and playing together, while to others it may be spending time cuddling together, and for another it is working together, and still for others it may be just getting to talk together.  He is constantly giving of himself to show love to all of us.  We all need him so much and are so grateful for the daily investment he makes in each of our lives, and for pouring his love out to all of us.

3. Vision
Watching Stephen think is always mysterious to me.  His mind is so busy thinking of new ideas and plans.  Just when I think I can guess what he is thinking, he shares with me something totally different from what I was predicting.  God has given him such an awesome mind that can visualize, retain detailed information, notice small detail, as well as see the big picture.  He has such dreams that are always large scale and beautiful! 
It takes real courage to lead your family in a way that is not normal to so many others.  He has vision of his sons being manly men who are not afraid but rather equipped to lead, and his daughters being feminine ladies who find joy in being mothers at home with their own children.  He seeks the Lord`s will, and with confidence leads us as a family in that way.  It is so comforting as his wife to embrace his dreams and vision, and rest in his decisions for our family.

Stephen, I love you so much!! Merry Christmas!!

1 comment:

Mrs. Jeanne said...

I haven't checked your blog in a while, but today I'm so glad I did ~ What a treat to read how you are showing your husband your love and respect! You are definitely Stephen's crown, doing him good and not evil all the days of your life. God bless you, and a very Merry Christmas to the whole Herzog Herd!