40 Weeks and Counting 8.2.10

Our midwife gave us instructions for me to get more nutrition and more rest.  Mrs. Herzog offered to have the kids sleep down at their house and Stephen took her up on that offer.  The next morning before we went and got the kids Stephen took me out to eat at IHOP for breakfast.  It was so fun and delicious!
Here we are by the lake at the restaurant.
This is our delicious breakfast...I had an omelet and Stephen had a burger and we shared a carafe of cranberry juice.

When we got home a little later we found all the kids having a great time down at Mo and PawPaw's.
Martin playing with some special toys at the table.
Millie sliding down Mo's lap backwards.
Bella and Mo dusting.
Elaina and James playing with Papa.
All the kids tumbling with Papa.

We are so blessed to have family close by and so willing to help.  I just love where we live!

1 comment:

mamageese said...

A wonderful time you must have had with Stephen out for Breakfast! The kids sure look at home and happy with Mo! You are blessed to have them close by. I'm glad that you are letting her help now and again. It sure is great for you and Stephen! I cannot believe you've gotten all these blogs up and running. I'm proud of you!