41 weeks and Counting 8.9.10

Wouldn't you know that during our 41st week of pregnancy and the hottest month of the year, our AC decided to act up.  Thankfully we have a good AC man....Papa Troy.  The next day he came over and after spending an afternoon looking around and working on some things, he got us up and running again.  In the meantime we spent the night and the next day down at the Herzog's where it was much cooler.  It was getting up to 85 degrees downstairs and into the mid 90's upstairs...kinda warm and sweaty.  We called Mo and Pawpaw to see if it was ok if we spent the knight down at their house and they accepted with open arms.  We were so grateful!  We packed up and headed down there right after we finished baths, just before bed.
Here are Bella and Elaina tucked in bed.
James with his bottle in his crib.
Martin on one of the bottom bunks, 
and Millie on the other.
The next morning Mo had a delicious breakfast for us...eggs, bacon, biscuits and gravy!
Stephen and Elaina and James off to change some dirty diapers.  Thankfully it is only the 2 of them in diapers as the others are all potty trained and have been for a few months now.
Kevin is having some dozer work done around Mr. & Mrs. Herzog's house.  We have gone out there a few times to watch the progress.  
Stephen and all the kids as we drive around and watch the dozer work.  It is inevidable that that they want to play in the soft fresh sand.
My boys and me.
Jacob Burow has come over this week and started work in our kitchen.  He got all the hanging cabinets built and hung.  They look just beautiful!
He will come back next Tuesday and work on the lower set of cabinets and counter top.  I am so excited!!  Stephen has wanted to get me a kitchen built for years now.  We are so grateful to the Lord for his direction and conviction on our lives.  It is so rewarding to save up and have things done a little at a time and be debt free.  It makes you so grateful for what you do have, and creative ways to do with what you don't.  We are so truly blessed in more ways than ever imaginable.

1 comment:

mamageese said...

Boy, oh, boy! Texas in the summertime with no AC....I once asked Grandma Shields what they did in Houston=downtown, without any AC in the 1960's, and she said they would take a couple baths a day, and always at night to sleep cooler. The pix of the kids look so cute. I bet they loved sleeping at Mo's house.
What kind of dozer work are they having done? I couldn't really tell from the pix.
I love the cabinets! What a great addition to your home:) I know they will be just what you've needed! Another step in the process! They look WONDERFUL!
And so do you by the way:)
You'd never know you were 2 weeks late. I guess that is because you've not gained much weight, and even though it is hot outside, you don't look like you've got much edema at all...PTL. Love to all! mom