Still Waiting...&...Stephen's Birthday 8.19.10

Well, here we are still waiting for this little one to "pop out" as the kids call it.  The only thing we can figure is that we must have been off on our dates.  So the last month of pregnancy is turning into a 6-7 week month.  The last month always seems like it is longer, but this time it really IS.  I am eating well, taking my vitamins, getting good rest (I have actually felt like a queen the last few weeks...hardly cooking, getting naps...I feel so spoiled) and the baby seems to be doing well too...still moving good, still growing, good heart beat...

Today we are looking into getting a sonogram done though, just to see if everything looks just as good as we have been predicting.  My body has done some good "pre-labor" for a few days now off and on which is normal for me, and hopefully one of these times it will kick in for good.  

I have been blessed with such a wonderful husband who takes such good care of me.  He has already taken off of work to take care of me even though I haven't had the baby yet.  We have also been called by lots of loving, caring family and friends who are excited to hear an update.  We will try to keep everyone posted when things really do happen vs. having false alarms.  We are grateful for everyone's prayers and thoughts as we are getting close to the end.  Thank each of you.
We had a quick visit with Mo and Pawpaw on Wednesday evening right before bed.  It is always so fun having them come up to our house.  No matter how many times a day or week they see them, the kids are just as excited each time.
Thursday was Stephen's birthday and we went out to breakfast to celebrate.  I felt like the day was more of him taking care of me as I had several hours of some good contractions where he took over with the kids.  We did have a great time at breakfast though (we forgot to get pictures this time).  He even ordered dessert!  After that we went to the grocery store to get some more last minute things.
These are pictures of he and I before we left.  Mrs. Herzog and Aunt Margaret watched the kids for us at the farm while we were gone.  They had a great time as well.  Thanks to all.


NellieMae said...

OH STINA!!!! I have been praying for you so much lately, I can't wait for this baby to "pop out":)Thank you for finally (haha) posting some pictures of yourself!!! I haven't seen you pregnant at all, until now:) I love seeing my nieces and nephews, but I'm so glad I got to see you:) You look so beautiful as always:) Love, Hugs and prayers, miss you tons...

mamageese said...

Girl, you do look beautiful! I'm so happy you guys were able to steel away for a couple hours and get out for lunch! I would cherish those moments.