It's a Girl!! 8.22.10

She's here!!  Her name is Lydia Elenore Herzog.
She weighed 9 pounds even and was 21 inches long.
She was born at 5:50 pm on August 22, 2010
I'll fill you in on how everything's going a little later, 
but for now we are going to try and get some sleep.  
Thanks to all of you for your prayers...
the Lord answered them!!


Grace Valley Farms said...

Congratulations on Baby Lydia!
Praise the Lord for a safe delivery!

mamageese said...

What joy she's brought. You'll remember this birth for many many years. She looks like a little angel! We're all so happy for you, and very thankful for your health.
What a proud family....each one of them look so happy:D
Congratulations, and Praise be to God the Almighty!

mamageese said...

Thanks for getting these up so quick so we could see them....boy, you're amazing!

Kristin said...

I am SO excited for you! :-) Congratulations on a *beautiful* baby girl! I just stumbled on your blog recently and have loved catching up with your family has grown up! Maybe someday our paths will cross again. :-) Kristin Wychopen

The Petty Bunch said...

So very blessed for y'all! She is beautiful, as all your babies are, and I can't wait to meet her. Looks like another family picture is needed!!

Love you all,

Nina Petty

Bethany said...

She's perfect! Love her name! Congratulations on your newest blessing!

Stacy Ann said...

Congrats!! You'll have to post her birth story when you're recovered enough, can't wait to hear!! She is beautiful!!! How neat that we have little girls with birthdays so close. I really want to stop by soon!!!

Love Bigger than the World said...

Congrats on such a gorgeous little baby girl! We are so happy for you all! Hope to see her soon!

Love, The Poteet Family :)

mamageese said...

Christina I'm so glad that you had that baby girl Lydia Eleanor Herzog. I love you so much.
Katie Jo