First Day Of School 9.9.10

Well, we have started school!  We may be a little late according to the conventional school system, but thats the beauty of home schooling... flexibility.  Since we just had a baby, we wanted to take time to having another member of our family and get adjusted that way.  As far as we have planned, we would like to do school year-round to allow us time to take vacations and holidays whenever we would like or need.  That also gives us time to have what Stephen fondly remembers as "nature days" and to experience and learn about things that happen in our every day life that you won't learn in a classroom.

I have lots of good resources from my mom and other friends that we have gleaned from.  So far we are working on getting down a routine and schedule and setting aside time for school where we sit down at the table for.  Martin, Millie, Bella and Elaina have all expressed an interest in "school" and have looked forward to sitting down together for that time.  
All 4 of our big ones sitting down for school.
James actually has done well keeping himself busy which makes him not so needy (although he is cutting teeth, so that always makes things a little more difficult).
Sweet Lady Lydia still sleeps alot during the day and all night for that matter if I would let her, so she is fitting in quite nicely.


Nina Petty said...

I love your photos, especially the ones on the left that show each child and their BDs. I was amazed at how they've grown since I've seen them!

Emily is doing school with Arulai - she calls it "skull" - and they love it, too. Homeschooling is such a blessing because of it's flexibility. We always loved being able to take vacations in the Fall (Glen Rose!) although we did not do year 'round school - just a little extended.

Love ya!

mamageese said...

Your mama is praying for you my dear. You'll have your good moments, and your bad ones too, but I guarantee the good ALWAYS outweighs the not so good.