Keith's Birthday Party 9.6.10

We celebrated Keith's birthday at the Herzog's on Labor Day.  He and his "intended" Karen, fixed everyone quesadillas for supper.  They were absolutely delicious!  It was lots of fun getting together with some of his friends and some of our family to celebrate.
Karen had some chocolate on her cheek and James tried to get it off.
The Herzog boys have always enjoyed looking at magazines (especially farm or tractor ones) while sitting around the table.  Stephen and Kevin are doing just that.
Bella and 'Laina are enjoying some chips and salsa as an appetizer.
Lydia enjoyed a nap in a quiet room as the party was going on.
Here is a sweet group of girls and friends.  The one holding Lydia (her name is Jessica) was the assistant at our birth just a few weeks ago.  On her left is our midwife, Erin.  We actually had an appointment with Erin in one of the bedrooms since we were all gathered together.  Lydia had been having a difficult time nursing and I had been thinking she was tongue tied.  Erin looked in Lydia's mouth under her tongue at her frenulum, and agreed that it was a bit shorter.  She asked if we wanted her to clip it, and we agreed.  We had Martin's done when he was 8 days old, so we had some experience on the subject.  It only took a few seconds and it didn't even bleed very much and now she nurses much better.  Boy am I grateful!
Some more gathered together visiting.
Keith opening up his presents with lots of help.
Millie holding her baby sister and loving it!


Nina Petty said...

Happy Birthday, Keither! He's my precious boy, that's for sure!

I'm so glad Lydia was able to be helped along with her nursing! I've had friends who didn't find out their child was tongue-tied until they went to school!

Karen is adorable - hope to meet her some day soon. Can't wait to see Josh and Sarah again, too!

Love you guys!

mamageese said...

Oh, girl, I've looked at this post several times and cannot believe I haven't left a comment. What fun for each of you. Every day life having a fun celebration balanced by everyone working alongside one another as well. There should be time for R & R. Love to each of you!

Rebecca said...

Christina!!! It was so wonderful to get to see you on Saturday! We are excited for you and your beautiful family. Congrats on the new addition! Let's keep up with each other!

