Labor Day Weekend Vacation

Our family took a little vacation to Salmon Lake in Grapeland, Texas the first part of September.  We had a great time.  They have a bluegrass festival there every Labor Day weekend and this time Appointed was asked to play.  The park was very nice and the swimming area was a favorite of all the kids... and the big kids for that matter.  There were many old buildings there at the park that the owner moved in and fixed up (he moves buildings as his profession) and people rented them out to stay in for the weekend.  We took some family pictures in front of some of the "town square" buildings as well as some at Mission Tejas State Park that we stopped off at on the way home.  I'll have to post some swimming pictures later, but for now here are some updated family photos.


mamageese said...

How Beautiful! You didn't tell me you already had a new family pix posted.....WOW WONDERFUL I love it! What fun you guys had I'm sure. I'm so proud of you guys! Love you!

Nina Petty said...

Love the photos! Do you use a tripod, or did someone shoot for you?
Bill's mom and dad used to park host at Mission Tejas before Memaw's Alzheimer's got too bad to go. It was their favorite place to host! We've been there to visit and it is such a lovely place!