Visit with Dad 9.19.10

Dad came back to the states for a few days and managed to squeeze in a visit with all of his married daughters...Erin and Jerry, CarrieLynn and Michael, and us.  Thank you dad for making the time to see all of us.  It sure means alot and your grandkids sure enjoyed their time with you!!  Here are some pictures from his visit.  I was so busy taking pictures with his camera so mom and the rest of the family could have some to look at, that I forgot to grab our camera.  Oh well, at least we captured the enjoyable time we were together with these fun photos.
 Dad rocking with 2 of his granddaughters on the front porch watching...
Martin and Millie play with the new big blue ball he brought the kids...
and eat some circus peanuts he brought them for a treat.
 Stephen cooked some big ol' grass fed steaks on the grill for supper.  We cooked a t-bone, sirloin and rib-eye so dad could try them all.  They turned out quite tasty!
 Dad reading them Elaina's favorite book...Posy the Possum.

Love you PapaCarl!!

1 comment:

mamageese said...

Christina, Dad says aaaawwwwwwaaaahhhhh. He was so excited to show us all the pix. I know he had a grand time visiting with you all. Looks like everyone had a fun time as well. Especially Dad:) Love you guys!