Warm and Fuzzy 8.19.10

Here are some recent updated photos of our 6 precious children.  

Just sitting back and looking at our life...we are so blessed!  

There are so many things that make me warm and fuzzy when I think about them...my adoring, precious, sweet husband who loves me deeper than anything in this world,  the mornings Stephen and I are able to have Bible study and coffee together, holding the hand of my one and only as we take a "pasture walk" together, the 7 sweet smiling faces I am so blessed to see every day, the pride in Martin's eyes after he has completed an important task, the sound of Millie, Bella and 'Laina giggling after we have put them to bed, the delight in James's eyes when his Papa scoops him up in his arms, the soft sweet sound of Lydia's coo, my beautiful new kitchen (pictures soon to come), the aroma of homemade bread baking in the oven, the dried roses Stephen has given me at different times that I have hanging on the wall, all of the times my kiddos pick flowers for me because they love me, the smell of the leather scented candle Stephen just gave me, getting to sit down and watch a fire in the wood burning stove, the thought of a nice comfy bed to go to sleep in, and the joy of getting to wake up the next morning and having another blessed day!!

Thank you Lord for the blessed life we live!

1 comment:

mamageese said...

ABSOLUTELY LOVE ALL THESE NEW PIX. You all look just fab. (as Erin would say). Love all the smiles, and the hair-do's with the young ladies. Brings back such happy memories. Hugs to each of you:)