The Good Ol' Days 10.3.10

This picture reminds me of one of those old timey pictures back in the day when no one smiled for the camera.  It almost looked as if picture taking was sorrowful.  No, just kidding...we do have a grin from Mick and James though.  We are so blessed to be close to family.  We all enjoy the time we spend with each other, (and do so as often as we can) watching our little ones grow up together.

This is a picture of all the grandkids together.  
From left to right they are as follows:
Ein (12 mo), Bella (3 yrs 5 mo), James (16 mo), 
Lydia (2 mo), Millie (4 yrs 4 mo), Anna (8 mo), 
Elaina (2 yrs 5 mo), Mick (23 mo), Martin (5 yrs 3 mo)

Here are some facts:
There are 9 grandkids so far-
4 boys 
5 girls 
In just 11 months there were 3 boys born 
(Mick, James, Ein).
Come this March we will have 3 girls born in 13 months 
(Anna, Lydia and the Master's little girl).
Out of Mr. & Mrs. Herzog's 6 children, 3 have children of their own and all 3 families plan on home schooling.


Janina Petty said...

I wish they had a reactions button called "Wonderful!" Y'all are truly blessed!

mamageese said...

The Herzog's have more than tripled in 7 years....God is so good. What a great heiritage you all have. Glory to God!