Beautiful Kitchen Cabinets 10.2010

I am finally getting some pictures up of our new kitchen cabinets and counters.  Jacob has been working on these cabinets in our kitchen since July I think and he finished the end of October.  They are absolutely beautiful, one of a kind, unique, very well made, original, gorgeous, get the point.  Here are some pictures along the way.  Jacob has done an outstanding job!  We are so grateful to have such a beautiful kitchen!  It has been well worth the wait.  Thank you Jacob for all your hard work!!  You are a great friend and wonderful craftsman!

Stephen designed an island to double as part of the counter top that slides next to the stove.
The night Jacob finished up working, we had supper up at our house.  We are so happy and have really enjoyed getting things organized and actually have a place for everything.  Wow!  When I think back at the short little countertop with the curtain draped in front that used to be my kitchen, it sure makes me humbled at this huge blessing that far exceeded my dreams of a kitchen.  Thank you Stephen for the way in which you lead our family, being debt free and giving glory to the Lord for everything.  I love you!

1 comment:

mamageese said...

A BEAUTIFUL kitchen, and Beautiful times with family.....we miss you guys