Erin's Baby Shower 11.5.10

CarrieLynn, NellieMae, Katie Jo and I all hosted a baby shower for Erin.  They are having a girl, so we went all out with the pink.  We had out of town company here for a few days and got to do some fun things together.  I have compiled a collage of lots of the candid funny faces people make.  There are literally hundreds of pictures, so I will just post some of the highlights.

Mom and all of us girls.
Erin with the cute diaper cake we made her.
Some of us as we were working in our new beautiful kitchen.
Gram and Gramps.
Mamageese handing out gifts to her grandkids.  She is such a giver.  Thanks so much mom!
Here we are at the mall enjoying the Christmas decorations.  We all went after the shower that afternoon and Stephen bought us all supper.  We enjoyed getting to be with family.
 The kids played on the jungle gym around the back of the community center in Montgomery where we had the shower.  Stephen was such a huge help and watched the kids out there while the shower was going on.
I had Lydia inside since it was a chilly day, but here is the rest of the "Little Herd"
Stephen and I paused for a moment.

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