Fun Times 11.2010

Here are a few pictures of some fun things that we have done lately...
Stephen took all the kids for a go-kart ride one afternoon.  The dirt piles in our back yard make for a great time on the go-kart.  They went flying around in circles and up and over the top of the pile sometimes catching air.  It looked like so much fun!
One afternoon I took all 6 kids out to Wal-Mart.  It was my first time to take them anywhere by myself.  I was proud of them all.  We took some time afterwards to ride the "buckin' bronco".  I never put a quarter in to make it go, but they all had a turn "riding" him. 
Almost every evening I play the piano for the kids after we have tucked them into bed for the night.  They love to listen to me "sing the piano" and always ask me to.  It is so sweet.  Stephen joined me as we both sang while I played that evening.  Those are precious times I hope to never forget.
This is quite a table of groceries!  We all went to HEB as a family.  It was quite a fun experience.  We went to a new HEB between Navasota and College Station.  It is so nice.  I wish I would have gotten a picture.  Stephen had a "race car" buggie with James and Lydia in it, Martin, Millie and Bella all had their own little basket with wheels that they could pull, and I had another buggie with Elaina in it.  We had quite a train!  We were grabbing things up and down each isle, and I was just praying for clarity of mind that way we wouldn't have to back-track any for things I forgot.  It took us about 3 hours to get everything we needed.  It was great.  We had so many cupons and the manager that was helping us check out said he had never seen anyone save that much!  I hope we can do it again :)

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