Keith and Karen's Engagement Party 11.20.10

Mr. & Mrs. Herzog hosted an Engagement party for Keith and Karen.  Karen's family drove up from Rockport, and we had friends and family from the area that all came.  There was a great turn out and it looked so festive!

I only got pictures of all the set-up.  I accidently left our camera at home during the party.  Dannye Petty was taking pictures though, and I asked if I could have some of hers.  She willingly said yes.  So maybe later I can post some pictures during the actual party.  For now, here are just a few of while we were setting up.
 The theme was a Mexican Fiesta.  Mrs. Herzog used the big glass bulb Christmas lights all around and sombrero's and poncho's and piñatas for decorations.  It turned out very nice!  Here is Martin trying on one of the sombrero's before we hunt it up for decoration.
 Sarah, Elaina and I visiting and decorating.
Mr. Egly who lives right down the road is always so generous.  Mr. & Mrs. Herzog made several trips over to his house with the truck and trailer and brought back loads of things to use.  Everything from this swinging bench, to all the glass bulb Christmas lights, to plants, to chairs and tables.  Parties around here usually have something from Mr. Egly in them.  Thanks so much Mr. Egly!!

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