Huntsville State Park 11.22 - 11.23

Stephen has been so diligent studying for the Captain's test with the Fire Department and we have really missed him.  His test was November 17th and he is finally done studying!!  I wanted to get away where we could be together as a family and Papa wouldn't have to go study.  We went to Huntsville State Park for 2 nights.  For almost 2 years now we have used our camper as our every day vehicle, but we actually hadn't really been on to many camping trips in it.  For this trip we just went "as is" and forgot to bring so many things...firewood, chairs, lights and other things you just automatically bring on a camping trip that somehow we forgot.  Oh well.  We had a good time anyway.

Since Stephen had been reading nothing other than material for the Captain's test, we brought all kinds of books that we were hoping to read.  Unfortunately, we didn't get to open one book :(  We did have some great times with the kids though and that's what matters most :)
 Stephen with the kids as we were getting things ready for bed.
Me with the kids.  Thankfully they sleep pretty well all together.  We put the 3 big girls up top, and both boys on the fold down table.  Lydia sleeps on a palate on the floor in the back by Stephen and I.
We took a walk as a family and as usual ended up going a little further than originally planned.  The kids do great though.  We do all kinds of exploring and learning and singing and talking on our hikes.
Lydia and I as we sat and took a break on one of the little benches along the trail.

Below are some video's of the kids playing at the playground.  As you will see, each one of them has a unique way of sliding...and they are all a little bit different.  Millie and Martin both learned how to swing themselves on this trip- Yea!

 Stephen pulled out the bases, ball, and bat and we played a little ball after lunch.
 We cooked some grass fed beef steaks in the fire pit one evening.  They turned out very nice.  Stephen did a great job!

We really had a fun time.  Stephen and I both have so many fond memories of camping trips with our families as we were growing up.  We are so grateful to make camping memories with out own children now!  It is a dream come true for both of us!!

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