Keith's Bachelor Party 1.1.11

Keith wanted to go golfing for his bachelor party, so all the guys that were going, met up at our house that morning to have breakfast.  Nathaniel Traylor brought all the food for waffles, pancakes, eggs and bacon.  He put together an outstanding breakfast.  It was quite a site watching all the guys in our kitchen trying to cook.  They sure had it going on!  At one point, Nathaniel asked Stephen for some pam and Stephen quickly starts looking all over the kitchen trying to figure out where I keep the pam.  He looks in the upper cabinets, the drawers, the lower cabinets, and since he can't find it any of those places he checks... under the sink.  Nathaniel starts to laugh and says "You know, I don't live here, but my guess is that it wouldn't be under the sink."  I came in at this point and asked what they were looking for and showed them the cabinet that I keep the pam in.  Stephen looked as cute to me in my kitchen as I probably look to him when I am in the shed at the farm looking for something.  I was proud of them all.  They did great!  They all ate, got full, then headed toward Stoneham to go golf.  

 Stephen making waffles.
 Buzzing around in the kitchen.
Chanse and Cole Boy actually in the kitchen cooking.  I had to get a picture for their mom.
 Keith and Stephen.
 Papa Troy and Mr. Chandler.
 Uncle Richard, Shan and Nate.
 Matt Hurley, the back of Karen and Jacob.
Mr. Traylor, Keith, Kevin, Sarah, Cole Boy

Now you have to understand that golfing isn't Stephen's favorite thing to do, but he wanted to be there for Keith so while they were all gone, he asked Sarah and I to make up a scavenger hunt for them to do when they got back (which was something he really wanted to do...lots of action and physical energy expelled :)  It took us the entire time they were gone (which was about 5 hours) to figure out just what we were going to do, plan out how to do it, get it done, and watch the little ones.  Sarah and I really did have a great time.  I always enjoy being with her, and going around the farm with all our kids in the little red truck hiding close pins was great fun.  We hid 10 of them for each team (that being a total of 20) and then came up with clues to point the teams in the right direction.  It only took them a little over an hour to find all the close pins.
 This was Kevin's team:
Jacob, Whistler, Stephen, Martin, Kevin and Chanse.
This was Keith's team:
Cole, Josh, Keith Shan, Lane and Kerry.


mamageese said...

I'm sure you had just as much fun as the guys....Who says bachelor parties are just for guys??????

Unknown said...

YES - I love the pic of Chanse and Cole in the kitchen!!!
Carli and I have a blogspot too, Carli's Closet. I am so new to this, can I post a link from mine to yours?
Love Ya
Tammy :)