Our Way Home 12.23.10

On our way home, Stephen said that we could go up to Colorado Springs and see Jerry and Erin and their new baby girl.  I was so excited and grateful for the last minute change of plans.  We only spent about an hour and a half there, but it was nice getting to see them and their daughter, Elizabeth Madison Piper Roland.
 There is Millie and James excited to see her "AuntieEM" and little Piper.
 Uncle Jerry let the kids play with some of his army things down in the basement.  They had a blast running around down there in between all the boxes.
Erin and I with our new little babies.  Lydia was 4 months old and Piper was 2 weeks old.  I forget how little they are when they are first born.
Thanks Jerry and Erin for the visit.  It was so much fun getting to see where they lived and their house that I have herd so much about.

On our way home we did a lot of driving straight...meaning not to many stops.  The kids were getting the cooped up feeling and kind of cabin fever feeling.  We did find a park one time and stopped and played for 30 minutes or so.  

 That night we made it to Wichita Falls, TX and we celebrated Brian Forbes birthday for him.  I think it has been a tradition for him to go to a fun pizza place for his birthday for quite some time.  (He was actually up in the north with his family for Christmas, we were just thinking of him and the birthdays we had celebrated with him in the past).  We were in need of expelling some energy and in need of some supper, so we put the tree together and found a Chuckie Cheeses.  It was nice because it was close to closing time by the time we got there and the dinner rush was gone.  Thank you Stephen and Happy Birthday Brian!

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