Lydias Dedication 1.30.11

Every year, when we have a new member of our family, we will shortly thereafter publicly dedicate them to the Lord.  Since we have been going to church out at Dacus, we asked the Pastor there about having a dedication service.  He was very willing and scheduled the day for the last Sunday in January.  We wrote Lydia a letter, just as we had done for all of our other children, and read it to her in front of the congregation.  Writing the letter is always a special time for me, because Stephen and I both sit down together and write out some thoughts separately.  Then we eventually put them all together and edit it a tad and come out with a letter to our child from both of us.  We are so grateful to the Lord for the blessing of children.  Lydia has been such a joy and another precious member of our family.
Here is a little excerpt from the letter:

Dear sweet Lydia Elenore,
As we stand here today, January 30, 2011, before our Lord Jesus Christ and these witnesses at Dacus Baptist Church, your mother and I want to dedicate you to the Lord.  This means that we will seek the Lord daily for his guidance in teaching you.  We are committing to the Lord to do everything within our ability to raise you up in a way that He would have you go that is in accordance with scripture.  Psalm 32:8  “I will instruct thee and teach thee in the way which thou shalt go:  I will guide thee with mine eye.”  We pray that you will choose these ways as your own and have a desire to follow the Lord.  Some of the responsibilities we have as parents include teaching and training you in God's Word, demonstrating an example of godliness, disciplining according to God's ways, and praying earnestly for you............

This is a current picture of Lydia that they displayed on the screen at church while we were up in front.
Kevin took this family photo of us after church back at the farm on Lydias dedication day.

1 comment:

Erin said...

Love Lydia's outfit... I think the hat is my fave! It's too bad you can't see the bloomers;) But I guess it would be kinda silly walking around holding up her dress... after all isn't that the whole point of bloomers?? LOL