Hay Delivery 8.24.11

Well, we got our hay delivery.  That morning before the load came, Mr. Wallace (Ryan Wallace, Stephen`s friend`s dad) came by to work on Stephen`s AC in the truck.  He had come by the morning before to check things out and to see what the problem was and was scheduled to come back the next morning.  The next morning, he brought with him a dozen doughnuts for the kids.  He wanted to encourage them and thank them for their manners and so brought them a treat.  That was such a blessing and huge encouragement to all of us. We pray and ask the Lord for wisdom daily, and praise the Lord for His guidance in how to raise our little `herd` and want to give Him all the honor and glory!
Mr. Wallace with the kido`s enjoying their doughnut treat!

Here comes the hay!  We got a whole semi load of 38 bales.  We are hoping it will last us at least a month and a half and we continue to pray for rain.

It was quite an experience having hay delivered here.  The farm usually makes their own hay.  Stephen says he remembers Grandpa saying that back in the 50`s he had to have hay hauled in from out of state because of drought.

 Stephen borrowed Uncle Tommy`s tractor to unload the hay then stack it.

We love to watch James` expression, excitement, and concern as he watches the big truck pull in.

What a monumental day in our history.

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