Giese Gang Visit 9.2.11

My family, the Giese Gang, came back to the states for a visit during some of August and some of September.  We were excited to get to spend some time with them and the kids had a great time together.  We had the opportunity to have Shane, Katie and Scott stay at our house for 3 days while mom and dad drove NellieMae to Pensacola and get her set up at college.  The three left here were so willing and helpful.  I must confess though, I am not used to having help like that, so I didn't always know what to have them do.  Also, I was a little bit nervous having the responsibility of all of my little ones plus my 3 brothers and sister for a 30 hour period while Stephen was at work.  I didn't think I could do it, and once I realized that I couldn't do it in my strength, and relied on the Lord, we had a great day!  We even had company (the 2 littlest Lyon kids) came over for a few hours to play.  The thought of me, at 8 months pregnant with 11 children age 13 and under was mind boggling to me, but the Lord was my strength and things went very well!
Here are the 11 children all 13 and under playing together.

Martin and Scott did everything together and really are more like cousins than uncle and nephew!

 Just look at all the help I had milking the cow!  Mable was such a good sport to put up with all of us.
Scott getting a birds eye view while the guys were working the cows.

Katie Jo helping out with the little ones as we were spectating.

Shane Boy got to be in the lots with the guys and watch and help.

We miss getting to see the Giese Gang, so any time that we have together is always very exciting as we are all sharing things and showing things and talking together.  We are excited for NellieMae and hope things go well for her in Pensacola, FL.  We love all of yall!

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