Around the Farm- Sept 2011

Stephen's cousin, Sharla is having a house built on the farm.  We went over one cool morning to watch the cement foundation being poured.
The wild fire in the area is seen by that huge billow of smoke.  It lasted several days and it is the second one in 3 months that has been within 10 miles from our home.  We are so grateful for the Lord's protection on us and pray for those who have been affected by the fires.
Recently the kids had a chance to play in the sprinkler at the farm that waters the big Sam Houston live oak tree (Mo & PawPaw have been trying to water it regularly to keep it from dying like so many other trees on the farm from the drought).  Lydia (above) and Millie, Bella and Elaina (below) all having a great time!

James (above) and Martin (below) also had a blast!

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