Stephen`s Birthday 8.19.11

A few days before Stephen`s birthday, I had the opportunity to take him out for the afternoon, spend the night at a hotel, and go back home the next afternoon.  Stephanie Forbes along with a family friend, Amy Puneky, offered to watch the kids for a night (thanks so much ladies!).  I had such a fun time planning things to do with just he and I.  This was the first time we had spent the night somewhere other than the hospital the times we have gone to have a baby, and since we had Lydia at home, we hadn't been out for 2 years and never on the occasion of just having a fun get away.  Stephen and I had a very great time and so did the kids from what I hear.
We went to Main Event and played 2 games of bowling and a game of laser tag, went to the mall and picked out a new baby outfit (we always pick out our new baby`s first outfit- and since we think it is going to be a boy, we got a sweet baby boy outfit), ate supper at the food court, watched a 3D movie (Stephen had never seen a 3D movie before), and went back to the hotel and ordered pizza (quite a fun thing to have a late night snack brought to your very door- something we country folks don`t get to experience).  The next day we enjoyed breakfast and exercised for a little while there at the hotel, then went to pick up our Azure coop order in Conroe and headed home.  We had such a wonderful time together!

Then on his actual birthday, he was working at Station 29.  The kids and I made him an organic carrot cake from scratch, got him some balloons and presents and headed to Houston for a visit.  He made fajitas for us for supper and they were just delicious!  It is always fun getting to see him and so fun bringing some surprises for him.

Our camera is having a hard time focusing, hence the lovely blurry picture, but nonetheless, there he is with all the kids at the station before opening his presents.  Happy Birthday Papa!!  We all sure love you so much!!  Thank you for your never ending sacrifice, provision, fun, and love you constantly pour out to our family.  We are all so blessed because of you!!

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