Working The Big Herd For The Last Time 8.13.11

The drought has been so bad here in Southeast Texas, we had to sell off about half of the entire cow/calf herd.  It was a sad few days indeed (for me at least) trying to figure out which cows we were going to part with, which ones we were going to save for the butcher, and which heifer calves we were going to save for the future.  After many hours and meetings and discussions between Mr. & Mrs. Herzog, Stephen and I, we were able to narrow things down.  
The kids always enjoy playing at the farm.  Mo found some dishes for the kids to play with and that kept them busy for a while while we discussed farm business.

We are so blessed to live here on the farm where Mr. Herzog and his brother and sisters were raised as well as Stephen and his brothers and sisters and now our little Herd is being raised.  We are so grateful to Grandpa and Grandma Herzog for the heritage they have left for us.  These hard times with the drought sure make us more dependent on the Lord, and so grateful for His provision of the water line we were able to put in earlier this year for the cows.

Here is the whole herd moving from across the road back to the lots to be penned, separated, loaded and hauled to the auction barn.

Here are some of us watching the event in the lots.  We are grateful to the Lord for the smooth easy time of working cows.  It can sometimes be dangerous and stressful, but things went great that morning.

Martin found himself a place to get a birds eye view.

Here go both full loads to the auction barn.  We borrowed Uncle Tommy`s cattle trailer, and were able to get everything hauled on just the 2 trailers full all in one load.  It was so sad to see them go.

We have been very blessed to go as long as we have without having to feed hay like so many others in the area have had to do.  We have been looking for hay for a few weeks now and everything reasonable is having to be hauled in from out of state.  We hope to get a load in from Louisiana in the near future.  For now we will be feeding some of Kevin`s square bales he offered until we can get some round bales in.  The Lord is faithful to take care of us and provide even in these hard times.

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