Utility Room Cabinetry Work 10.17.11

Stephen and I were recently asked how we "work" with our children and how do they "help" us.
I thought I would take this opportunity to show some pictures of our little "helpers".

Stephen has taken on the challenge of building shelves in our utility room!  I am so proud of him.  He has done an excellent job!!  It has helped me out tremendously in more ways than one.  I am so excited to organize things better and have a place to put things in a nice neat order.

At one time he asked me if the girls were busy because he needed their help outside.  I took some pictures of the things they were helping with...
Elaina sitting on a board as Stephen chizzles out a notch in one end.
We are so grateful for this time in our life when we teach our children why and how we do everything.
James`s turn to sit on the board as Stephen saws on the other end.
We have fun as we "walk along, talk along" as it says in Deuteronomy 6:7
The 3 big girls standing on the end of the plywood as Stephen cuts on his mark
Therefore the kids think working and chores are fun and are always willing to help us with whatever we are doing.
Millie handing him screws as he finishes with one and is ready for another.
Sometimes it is challenging keeping them all busy with something to do when they want so bad to help out.
I actually got to help a little to...I held up the finishing board as he screwed it on.
We are so blessed with an army of little helpers!

Martin didn't get to help much as he was instructed to sit down with his foot elevated.  You see, the day before he was playing hide and seek with Aunt Margaret and in the process of running to base, he stepped on a branchy bush stump and poked his foot in 3 places and could hardly walk after the fact.


mamageese said...

I bet it was hard to keep him down....

mamageese said...

The Laundry Room is so workable now. It feels so good to squash that "clutter bug". I'm so proud of you and your organization.....