Visit from Mamageese 10.24.11

Mom came recently to see Gus.  She came bearing gifts as she often does.
She gave James 2 trucks.

Martin got some dinosaur magnets.

The girls got some pots and pans to play with together.

Lydia got a little farm set to put together.

She made Gus a beautiful rag quilt!  She has made one for Lydia, James and now Gus.  They are all so precious and treasures the kids will have forever.  

She also brought a fun fall craft for the kids to make with her.  She and Papa Carl are so generous.  We always look forward to her visits.  Thank you so much mom!


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security equipment said...

Incidentally, I like the way you have structured your site, it is super and very easy to follow. I have bookmarked you and will be back regularly. Thank you

mamageese said...

I treasure each and every time I get to come and visit. Looking forward to the next one! Love, Mamageese

Orla Harrington said...

Your children are absolutely beautiful! And I really love the name Elaina, a very pretty name for a gorgeous little girl. :)

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