Softball Game 7-24-10

A few weeks ago Kevin called Stephen and asked him if he wanted to play in a softball tournament.  After some thought, he said yes and we put it on our calendar for the 24th.  It was one of those HOT summer days where the heat index is up around 110 degrees.  Thankfully there were bleachers under a covering which provided some shade (although little ones don't believe in sitting down for an hour in shade while they could be up playing around).  And thankfully they lost the first game which gave us 2 hours before the next game.  We went out to the camper where the AC was running and got cooled off and ate PBJ's for lunch and put the little ones down for naps.  We are so blessed to have that camper!  We love it so much!

Then when the time was ready for game #2 we headed back out to the field, and again...thankfully lost.  I probably seem so un-fun, but to tell you the truth, I wasn't the only one grateful they lost.  I think Stephen, Keith and Kevin were just as glad.  The heat just takes all the energy out of you- even when you are sitting, let alone playing a ball game or keeping up with 5 kids and almost 9 months pregnant.

Anyway, we did enjoy the day.  It is not very often all the Herzog boys get to play together.  They are all so good at ball and it is a real treat to watch them.  Here are some shots of the event...
Martin with his glove and ready to play too.
Our little hambone always ready to say cheese for the camera.  He is to funny about that.
Mo and our girls.
Pawpaw and Martin
Elaina Marie
Bella Jane
And of course, Millie

1 comment:

mamageese said...

How fun! Baseball, hotdogs, apple pie and FAMILY! Fun summertime pasttime. I love how Martin loves to dress for the part. Especially when I was at the house, you sent him upstairs to do something, and he came down all dressed in his baseball attire, you questioned him about his original task, and he replied, "Well, mama, there just wasn't time!" He was too busy getting changed....Precious Moments:)