40 Days For Life Kick-off 9.22.10

We recently attended the 40 Days For Life kick-off in the Bryan/College Station area.  I personally had never been to anything like that before (that I can remember).  It was very inspiring standing out there protesting in front of Planned Parenthood and supporting life.  We are so corrupt as a nation.  There have been 55 million babies aborted up to today...and it has silently been accepted and not confronted for what it is- murder.
 Stephen and the kids standing in front of Planned Parenthood listening to some speakers.  It was very difficult to hear because of all the horns going off in the parking lot- protesting us as we were protesting.
You can see Keith and Karen in the background.  Karen works for the Coalition For Life which is just yards away.

Me and the kids with Karen as we are standing on the porch of the Coalition For Life.  Karen gave us a tour of the building before we left.  It was great getting to see it in person and see where Karen works.  It is just beautiful.  Thank you Karen.

We are so grateful for our 6 blessings and want to encourage others to see children as just that...blessings from the Lord!