The Skunk Story...Told By Bella 11.1.10

I didn't want it to die.  I want it to go down the creek.  It's right there laying down.  I was crying because I want the little kunk to live and go down to the creek to live.  It was just a kunk.  Because Papa had a big gun and I didn't want him to shoot it.   It was under Uncle CJ's truck and the chickens look at it.  Papa said if it goes away then we won't shoot it.  It just sit there Mama.  Thats all.  It was just sittin' there.  It was makin' his house under the wood pile.  But it was laying down for Papa can't shoot it, so he was throwin' some rocks from the mountain to get the kunk out of the wood pile.  But it was makin' a house under the wood pile.  Papa cared it out and then shot it.  That's all Mama.  Aah, it tink real bad.  Papa told Mama to put it down to the creek because we didn't want it at our house because it melled bad.  It didn't mell pretty, it melled bad.  So Mama put it in a sack from the chickens feed sack and we took to the creek across the road.
We saw another one when it was dark yesterday and Papa killed it, he shot it.  So it can't get out his house wood.  Because they will spray us and we get sick if we have kunks around our house.  That's all Mama!


mamageese said...

Oh, Bella, you are a great story teller! I'm sorry I didn't read it before I saw you in Texas. I would have given you a great big hug! Papa was taking good care of you. Love you!

Kelli Overturf said...

Aw, that's so cute! The poor little "kunk!" But it sure makes a great story! :)