Update and Moms Visit for My Birthday 1.24.11

I have had these pictures ready to go for quite some time now and am just now getting back to the blog to post them...so sorry...  Here are some snap shots of the end of January and my birthday

During one of the very cold spells we made a huge tent up in the girls room amongst the bunk beds.  We had almost every sheet and spare blanket up there.  They loved it.  Papa said they cold even watch a movie up there...which was a hugely special treat!
Here are the little horse riders...wow, 3 on the same horse.
One afternoon after riding around in the pasture for quite a while, James thought there was no place better than the present to rest his head and catch a few zzzz apostrophe s (sorry, my apostrophe key isnt working).
We got to see Uncle Brian and Aunt Steph for a little while before they went to their next destination.
Mamageese came in for a quick visit.  She and the kids made muffins for my birthday breakfast.  What a treat!
She knows I enjoy island food, and since she couldnt bring back any, she did the next best thing... she took us out to eat at a Mongolian Grill in the Woodlands.  It was so delicious.  Then we went over to BB&B and she bought Stephen and I each a special cup.  It makes drinking water a little funner.  I am not a good water drinker, but drinking it out of a pretty fun cup is easier.  Thank you so much!
Thanks mom for such a special visit!  The sad part of the story though, is that she broke her foot that morning on her way down the stairs just before we were leaving for town.  She didnt know it was broken though until the next day- she was just in tons of pain.  It didnt stop her though...we continued with the days events, and then she drove up to Dallas that evening...Wow!  I dont know how she did it.  So sorry mom.  We all sure enjoy your visits.  Thank you for always taking time to come see us.  Love you!


mamageese said...

Happy Day to you! I'm so thankful I get to sneak in these visits. I love your family, and it's always a treat to go out to eat. Lookin' forward to the next time:) Love, mamageese

Nina Petty said...

What a Happy Birthday! I'm so glad your Mom got to come for a visit, but so sorry she broke her foot!

I always love to read your blog and see the photos of your family - they are adorable!