Backing Up A Little 8.21.10

I'm going to back up a tad and lead into how everything has gone.  First of all I want to say PRAISE THE LORD!!  We serve a mighty God and He proved Himself faithful once again.

On Saturday we had a sonogram scheduled with Erin Burow's (our midwife) back-up doctor, just to check and make sure the baby was growing well and that there were no dangers in continuing to wait for this little one to come.  We were grateful for the results as they did show a full term baby, but nothing looked abnormal.

Mrs. Herzog came along to watch the kids for us while we were at both our midwife appointment and the sonogram appointment.  Thank you so much!  That evening after the appointments, Stephen treated us all out to Chili's for supper, then we went to a nearby park and played for a little while.  It was a nice, fun evening.

(All the kids and there activity bags, changes of clothes, diapers and milk loaded up in the van ready to go with Mo)

Wouldn't you know the next morning (Sunday) the contractions I had been having finally got stronger and felt like they might be the "real thing".  Mrs. Herzog came up and took the kids down to her house and our midwife (Erin Burow) came out.

(Mrs. Herzog made spaghetti and meatballs for lunch...delicious!!)

There were some things she (Erin) was concerned about that we started praying about.  We took things one hour at a time and just kept watching my progress as well as monitor the baby.  The Lord continually answered our prayers, and it was evident that He wanted us to be totally dependent on Him.
(Stephen holding Lydia soon after she was born- right in the comfort of our own home!)

Lydia Elenore was born at 5:50 that evening.  The labor was the shortest I've had so far at right around 12 hours!  It only got really intense the last 2 hours and especially the last 50 minutes, but it was such an answer to prayer to be able to stay at home.  The whole labor and then birth was so rewarding. 
(Stephen warming Lydia in the evening sun while our assistant, Jessica wiped off our new baby's head with a warm washcloth)

Wouldn't you know that after Erin did all the evaluations on Lydia, she found out that she measured up to be 43 weeks!  We really were that overdue!  It was just a miracle from the Lord we both stayed healthy and delivered at home.  I am so grateful for Stephen heeding the Lord's prompting and taking off of work even before the baby was born.  The Lord knew my body and the baby need the extra rest and good nutrition we received while he was at home taking care of things.  
(Erin and Jessica doing the measurements and evaluations on Lydia as I lay there comfortably and watched)

There were so many things we could see the Lord orchestrating before during and after the birth.  I must confess though, that it is always easier to look back at a situation and evaluate it and see the blessing of the Lord vs. while you are going through a situation and not quite understand why.
We are so grateful for another miracle and blessing from the Lord!  Thank everyone for your prayers, love, and support.  It means so much to us.  We have enjoyed the fellowship of those who have stopped by and would love to have more.  Please don't hesitate to call and come see our little Lydia Elenore.


mamageese said...

We're so happy you both are healthy, safe and sound. She's here, and another blessed miracle! Love all the pix, and pray for your time to heal and recover.

Nina said...

I didn't realize you had her at home - what a blessing. I know Emily was blessed to get to have Titus at home, even though her experience at Nativity was very positive.

I love all the photos, and I know you are grateful for Nancy being close by. I also know you must miss your Mama, and vice versa! I'm right there with ya on that one!

Lydia is beautiful and I can't wait to meet her in person.

Erin said...

Miss you so much Sis. I'm so proud of you too. I can't wait for our girls to meet! Baby Girl Roland is going to be so blessed having cousins so close in age with your Lydia and Dean and Lindsey's daughter all born within months/days of each other! How great is that! I love you!